U Bein Bridge is located in Amarapura, an acient city in Mandalay, Burma. U in Burmese means Mr. in English. Mr. Bein was a wealthy man who built the bridge to link his village to the other side. The bridge is about 1km long, and made by teak wood. When the sunset comes, it was really beautiful. My camera just couldn't capture all the beauty...
You can easily realize that all the men were wearing longyi (something like sarong) - Burma's traditional costume while riding the bikes.
When the sunset came...

Inwa is an another ancient island city near Mandalay (Burma). In order to reach there, we took a blue taxi and then a boat. Once you get to the city, there are many horse carts available waiting for you, you can hire one to get around the main sites easily. It is not practical to walk and riding the horse cart is a nice experience.
Luang Prabang was the previous royal capital of Laos. The town is small and lovely. This picture was captured in a small lane which cut the Sisavangvong Rd. and another one. In this lane we could find all kind of tasty food and drinks... we met some friendly Korean and Japanese backpackers here. Later we joined each other drinking and chit-chatting. It was really fun.
Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful World Wonders (I believe). One trip to India couldn't be complete without the trip to Agra to see the Taj Mahal. It is the symbol of love and beauty. Being to this place, visiting the wonder, and seeing how the Indians visit it is quite a precious experience.
In India, you can see any kind of colors.
Taking pictures with India kids in Jaisalmer. On the way to the Gobi desert, we stopped by a traditional Indian village. The kids over there came out greeting us and demanding chocolate, unfortunately we didn't bring any. When we took out our camera they wanted us to take their pictures. They are really cute little kids playing around with self-made toys, I saw something like a car toy made from carton paper.
when i think of India's colorful clothing and fabric, I think of magic! LOL if it's in Sapa, u gotta pay $$$ for such a nice picture with these little devils :))))
Trả lờiXóaNice experience! I especially love your pictures. Hey, could I join your trip?
Trả lờiXóaTethienm are you serious, traveling buddies are always welcome :) you can leave me your email address, I will forward you details of my upcoming trips.
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